
Friday, February 15, 2013

had to run a backup and restore and now nothing will sync

Ipod was haveing trouble connecting to anything. I tried toggeling aiplane mode and forgetting the connections and reestablishing them. no problem there. but whenever i went to do anything it would not get any signal even though evrything showed full. I couldent launch apps nothing.


I finely plugged it in and attempted to run a restore from ituned. It went through and my saved pics are still there and like 5 apps and thats it. I try to sync the restore point it finishes in a few seconds. I try and redownload the apps the bar takes forever to fill up just one app at a time and as soon as i go and switch the page the icon is gone. I tried manualy syncing music and automatically. nothing. sync finishes in a few seconds and still nothing is on the ipod.


Iv checked for software updates and that the same account is on itunes as is on the ipod touch. not sure what to do next but be the proud owner of a very expensive flashlight.

View the original article here


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