
Friday, April 5, 2013

Why is it that Apple is one of the most wealthy companies in the world and they still can't set their updates up in a way that doesn't erase everything?

I posted this before and one of the hosts deleted it.  You said that you or nobody you know has ever had this problem?  You are obviously a liar or you don't know anybody and live in an Apple bubble.  You probably work for them.  Apple has always had issues with their updates, look online and you will find millions I'm sure.  I have updated in ipod once without it deleting my music.  I don't buy music from itunes.  I refuse to.  I love my ipod but that is as far as my relationship with Apple will ever go.  Don't disable my post again, I want to see how many people will agree with me about the updating issue.

View the original article here


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