
Friday, April 5, 2013

Itunes (on Windows 7) just deleted my entire library of music, apps and playlists

Thanks for the tip about the TMP files. I just wanna chime in here and say I'm having the same issue on XP and it is PERSISTENT. Also, I'm pretty sure I updated a week or two ago and other than some slightly sluggish response when hitting the play button, everything has worked fine until yesterday. I ran itunes with no problems, closed it and a few hours later started it up again and there were no playlists.

I restored it with a three month old copy from my "previous libraries" folder and then started to rebuild what I'd lost. Last night it was fine. This morning it was also fine and I finished rebuilding the playlists that had been made since the last previous library backup. While iTunes was still running, I went into my My Music/iTunes folder to copy the itunes library.itl, only to discover that it wasn't there! I know it was there last night, because I made a copy of it.

And, as you might suspect, when I closed iTunes then reopened it, all my playlists were gone again. Also interesting is that my iTunes folder is filling up with TMP files like I've never seen before. Right now there are 91 of them!

I managed to restore all my work up to this point by renaming the SECOND TO LAST tmp file (the last one was 25 megs and was not recognized as a valid itl file by iTunes) and sure enough, as soon as I close iTunes, the file vanishes and when I reopen iTunes, all my playlists are gone again.

So this isn't simply an issue with things getting lost during an upgrade, whatever the bug is, it's persistent and I'm losing all my playlists and library info every other time I run iTunes!

Is it possible to roll back to a previous version?

Message was edited by: TheRealBoscoe - verified the problem was reproduceable

View the original article here


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