I got an iPod touch 5th generation delivered with iOS6.
Next to these I have iPod touch 4th generation iOS5 and iOS6
When I play movies with iOS6 and I want to use subtitels, pressing
the subtitle button kills the controls of the player. There is NO WAY
to open up the subtitles menu.
The first image shows the controls of the player....
Then pressing the subtitle icon (bottom right icon) and this whole field of icons
simple dissappears (see second image)
In the second image you can see the controls are gone.. There's no way to get
them back besides closing the movie and start it again. But then this will happen
again as soon as you press the subtitle buttons again.
This happened also on a 4th generation with iOS6. It worked perfect on iOS5.1.1
For your reference. On iPad it can work but iOS6 on an iPad has other problems
As this is an official Apple forum, I suspect that Apple representatives are reading
these posts as well. Can someone react with some timeline of resolving the
meanwhile huge list of defects of iOS6 ?
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