Pre iOS 6 (all devices sharing the same for App Store):
- iPhone 4 can be reached at
- iPod Touch 4th gen can be reached at
- iPad 1 can be reached at
...for iMessage/Facetime.
Post iOS6 (all devices sharing the same for App Store):
The upgrade to iOS6 messed up the original setup as iPod Touch was getting iMessages meant for iPhone. Each individual email was checked ('You can be reached by iMessage at') so each device was logically getting every iMessage!
- iPhone 4 can be reached at
- iPod Touch 4th gen can be reached at
- iPad 1 can be reached at
But selecting the correct individual email ('You can be reached at') for each device did NOT solve it. I was unable to send/receive iMessages from my iPod Touch or use Facetime. It all got flaky as messages were send but never delivered, Facetime could not connect to my other devices anymore. This was especially the case for my iPod Touch.
I could see a device was ready for iMessage/Facetime (so activation had been succesful) but the sending never completed and always hung after 90%. Facetime always showed 'connection lost' after ringing for a while.
Now I have created an AppleID for each device, so each device is signing into iMessage/Facetime with their own AppleID.
All devices still share the same AppleID for the App Store which is also used by the iPod Touch for iMessage/Facetime.
Still no luck...
I rebooted, cleared Network settings, checked if each AppleID was okay#
Why is this not working?
Should I create another different AppleID for iMessage/Facetime for my iPod Touch so it's different from my App Store AppleID?
Is it because iPad 1 can not be upgraded to iOS6?
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