I would click on "Restore iPod" and it would start to and would say "2 hours remaining." And you would think that it would ACTUALLY restore. But five minutes until the time is up, it says that it was unable to restore and that there was an error. I have literally tried EVERYTHING. I looked on google and at youtube videos, nothing is working for me. The apple icon would appear and it would stay on there for a couple of minutes, then it would go to a whitish screen and one second later, it'll go right back to the white apple icon. It would continue like this. I would have to wait until the screen is completely black then insert it into the computer and do a whole bunch on drama just to make it connect to my computer. I have the latest version of iTunes, my chord is perfect, and I have had no problems with this iPod until now. People have told me to change it to DFU mode, but I can't put it in that mode, it won't let me. It stays in Recovery Mode. I would follow the steps to put it into DFU mode, but it would still say that iTunes has found an iPod in Recovery Mode. How do I fix this? Can anyone help? I am desperate!
iPod touch I have this question too (1) Tags: none (add) ipod, apple, touch, frozen, freeze, icon, issues, two, not_working, white, mode, recovery, hours, dfu Actions More Like This Retrieving data ... Bookmarked By (0) View: Everyone Only Notes Previous Next Legend This solved my question - 10 points This helped me - 5 points var d = new Date(); var curr_year = d.getFullYear();This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Apple Support Communities Terms of Use.Home >Support >Apple Support CommunitiesShop the Apple Online Store (1-800-MY-APPLE), visit an Apple Retail Store, or find a reseller.Apple InfoSite MapHot NewsRSS FeedsContact UsCopyright © document.write(curr_year); Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
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